719-896-0362 dogtrn07@msn.com

Canine Behavior: Signs and Symptoms That Your Dog Is In Pain

Is your dog hurting? When people are in pain, it’s pretty hard to miss it. We complain about our aching back. We yell out because we’ve stepped on something pointy. We limp because it hurts to put pressure on a leg. We lay down in the middle of the day in complete...

Why Do Dogs Eat Their Poop?

And more importantly… how do I get my dog to stop eating his poop? Dogs who eat poop is one problem us dog owners hate. To us it’s a filthy habit that doesn’t make sense. I mean why would our much loved pets eat dog or cat poop when we are feeding them perfectly good...
719-896-0362 dogtrn07@msn.com

Canine Behavioral Specialists and Dog Training

Achieving balance between humans and their canine counterparts through a pack-oriented philosophy.