719-896-0362 dogtrn07@msn.com

How to Choose a Dog Trainer

How to choose a dog trainer for your puppy or rescue can be tricky. There are lots of philosophies out there and you may not even know what methods are being used to know what you agree with or not. Here are the tips I suggest for how to choose a dog trainer to best...

3 ways to save money on vet care

As a pet owner, I have had my fair share of vet visits. Especially with 6 dogs (at one time) and a cat. Out of necessity, I have discovered ways to save money on veterinary visits and wanted to share them with you, as it is never ok to NOT provide medical care....

Tales from a Dog Trainer: When human anxiety wins, dog loses

In twenty years as a dog trainer, I have discovered, it is not always the dog that is the problem. Recently, I had a dog training appointment that involved a pretty well-behaved female Rottweiler, Lucy*. The lady who owned this dog, Nancy*, started training Lucy as...

Has your dog been labeled “Dog Aggressive”?

I was recently called to the home of a woman and her teen son. She was having a problem with her “dog aggressive” Boxer/American Bulldog mix. As she explained Zoe’s behavior to me, I said a quick prayer that I may be able to help her. Even after nearly twenty years in...

Canine Behavior: Signs and Symptoms That Your Dog Is In Pain

Is your dog hurting? When people are in pain, it’s pretty hard to miss it. We complain about our aching back. We yell out because we’ve stepped on something pointy. We limp because it hurts to put pressure on a leg. We lay down in the middle of the day in complete...

Why Do Dogs Eat Their Poop?

And more importantly… how do I get my dog to stop eating his poop? Dogs who eat poop is one problem us dog owners hate. To us it’s a filthy habit that doesn’t make sense. I mean why would our much loved pets eat dog or cat poop when we are feeding them perfectly good...

How To Stop Dogs from Eating Poop

Eating poop is normal with many different animal species, but in dogs it is likely attributed to either a behavioral or medical concern. For more on why a dog might eat poop, check out this blog. While dogs who eat poop is a problem we all hate and find disgusting,...

6 Tips For Housebreaking Your Puppy

Housebreaking your puppy doesn't have to be stressful. Generally speaking, the process of housebreaking your puppy often brings on feelings of nervousness and worry, but the process does not have to be stressful—for you or the puppy. The truth is, you have Mother...

How To Leash Train Your Dog

Leash training is different for every dog. Some will be frozen in fear, others will try to bite at the leash, and still others will trot along like they know exactly what it is that is expected of them. The most important things to remember are to have patience,...

719-896-0362 dogtrn07@msn.com

Canine Behavioral Specialists and Dog Training

Achieving balance between humans and their canine counterparts through a pack-oriented philosophy.